Let me keep this simple…..
Global warming is due to green house effect. It is caused due to increase in the Green house gasses. These green house gasses trap the sun’s radiation and warms up the planet.
Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and water vapor are the major green house gases, and the increase of such gases increases global warming…

emember that Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another. Heat is also an energy that directly or indirectly causes rain, drought, forest fire, bush fire, hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, melting of the ice at the polar, sea level increase, and lots more. Remember if there is a drought in a place, somewhere in the planet there has been a flood. If the summers get hotter, then the winters get colder. This phenomena is in such a way that it has unlimited number of negative effects on the planet we live and these negative effects fosters its own growth. There by fastens the process much faster than we imagined.
Few years back people were talking about saving our planet for our kids, now, its time to save our planet for ourselves.

Everyone is alarmed by the rate of increase in the green house gasses, and that’s all we do. Its time that we take a step to curb this process that we’ve started.
Save fuel – leads to burning lesser amount of Fossil fuels which in turn reduces the pollution.
Use public transport.
Use Hybrid cars.
Turn off your engines, when not in use.
Always have the tire pressure checked.
Change the engine oil on time.
Maintain your vehicle.
For short distance- take a walk or use a bicycle.
Car pool.
Save paper – leads to cutting down of lesser number of tree and also lesser manufacture of paper reducing pollution.
Reduce the use of tissue papers, take your own handkerchief.
Don’t print unnecessary mails.
At the ATM’s – Don’t ask for the transaction slips when not needed.
Recycle your old newspaper.
Use both side of the paper.
Opt for online/electronic billing.
Opt for recycled papers and note books.
Reduce using paper for decorating.
Use reusable paper bags.
Save electricity
Use solar power for heating and lighting your house and office.
If you are stepping away from your computer for a short spans and many applications are running on your comp then just turn off the monitor.
Turn your computer off at your office before going home. (Just turning off the monitor does not work here.)
While buying home and office appliances, Instead of going for the brand you should go for the ones with lesser power ratings.
Use CFLs/CLFs wherever possible instead of conventional Bulbs.
Switch off the electrical appliances at the plug point than just turning it off.
Try to reduce the usage of Air conditioners/coolers and heaters.
Reduce the use of elevators
Set your fridge cooling to most appropriate rather than setting it to full.
Save water
Use a bucket to wash your vehicles rather than using a pipe.
Maintain your taps and pipes
Reuse water (e.g. water used for cleaning can be used for watering plants.)
Other ways
Educate people, spread awareness.
Start harvesting Rain water.
Use reflective glasses in your house and office for windows. (Keeps the place cooler, saves electricity)
Plant trees.
Stop Smoking.
Make Love, not Babies
Have your own garden.
Be responsible.
Follow the rules.
Be healthy and slim. (Obese people consume more oxygen and give out more carbon-di-oxide CO2)
Reduce Burning wood for heating (use alternatives like: solar, Natural gas. Etc.)
* Remember to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
These are just simples things that you do only once or twice in your life time or things that you do in your daily life. Try to follow at least few from the list (which ever is convenient to you. Do your bit). Try to make it a habit.
You don't have to be a super man to save the Earth, but just responsible Humans.
*Notice that everything that you do to save the planet SAVES "YOUR MONEY".