
Monday 29 March, 2010

Mercury Raising!!!

The sun is scorching, Cloudless days are sapping our energy, rays beating hard, heat is simply unbearable - The Summer is here, not just any, but the hottest since 1997. With most giant trees brought down in Bangalore, there is hardly any shade and a part of the surviving trees have shed their leaves. Most of the corporates and the so called wanna be environmentalists would not know this as they spend most of their time in closed space well ventilated by the heat generating Air Conditioners.

There are so many things that we do to protect ourselves from the harms of heat, we use all kinds of lotions, drink up liters of thirst quenchers, treat ourselves with a nice cold bath and a bottle of pure water is always nearby. Where do animals and birds get something to quench their thirst? Lets face the fact, we humans are the main reason for this climatic change. Most of us do nothing to reduce the global warming, let alone trying to prevent it from increasing further. Why should the other animals and birds suffer for our selfish doings. The least we can do is keep some water for them. You might have got many SMSes and E-mails regarding this. You might have either read them or forwarded it to others. Have you done your bit?

All you need to do is, keep a tray/bowl on top of your house and fill it with clean water every day. It hardly takes time. This must be a daily routine as Birds do not come close to new changes. They will monitor for few days and only after confirming its safe to them, they will come to your house. When few birds come, the others will follow. They cant get themselves a cool drink when they are thirsty.

Since my house has a basement, the terrace is 2 and 1/2 floors high. Squirrels still manage and come up here and drink the water that the pigeons spill. This is a great sight to me and makes me feel happy. It does not take time and after some days it becomes a habit and becomes a part of you.


Q: In Bangalore, Who cleans the dead rats on road and in garbage and save us from plague, one of the worst diseases that has brought down great dynasties in the past.?

A: If you say the corporation workers or the citizens, you are wrong. The answer is: Crow.

Q: Who plants the most trees and plants in Bangalore?

A: If your answer still is either the Government/NGOs or Citizens, you are wrong again. The answer is birds and tree animals like squirrels.

Q: Who keeps the pests under control in cities like Bangalore?

A: Animals and birds like frogs, toads, swallows, sparrows, etc.

Are you ready to clean the dead rats on the road, do you plant trees, or do you have any way to control pests? If the answer to all these is "NO", then you should reconsider your thinking about other animals and birds and save them. "DO YOUR BIT"

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